Eh, why like that this year?

AUG 31 — I am disappoint. Yes, I am disappoint because this year I have been cheated out of my share in celebrating National Day with fireworks.
As a dutiful taxpayer, I am seriously disappoint. Seriously, what gives?
Every year for the past — well, goodness knows how many — years, the Gomen has always rewarded its dutiful tax-paying citizens with a no-expenses-barred, jaw-dropping, gobsmacking, grand display of coloured gunpowdered explosions at night.
And then, this year, they decide to take it away, not because the global economic crisis has finally made its way to our shores but because the hina sekali H1N1 virus landed.
So what?
What's the difference between the rakyat getting caught up in the daily stampede to and from work and getting caught up in another crush on Aug 31 to view fireworks?
Come on-lah, does anyone seriously think there's a higher chance of catching the dreaded bug on this one day of all days than any other day?
It sounds suspiciously like a blatant excuse to hide the fact that the Gomen is too poor to afford some measly explosives.

Debra is 'disappoint' with National Day celebrations this year. — Picture by Choo Choy May
In that case, why not shut down all TV stations, radio stations and cinemas altogether? In fact, why not fence up all theme parks and playgrounds too? Close all roads too, just in case someone finds a way to get a kick out of driving. Board up the trees as well, in case another person decides to swing from one for a Tarzan thrill.
Honestly, whoever thought up deprivation to stir patriotism needs to have another serious think again. Get out of the padded cell, open up the window, sniff the real air.
Patriotism, real love of one's country, for one's country cannot be manufactured. It does not happen through putting people in a room and subjecting them to droning mantras. You only get droids that way and we all know what happens to droids — think Star Wars and the storm troopers, or even the last Terminator. Or the Wizard of Oz. Even Tin Man went looking for a heart in the end.
I love Malaysia, I really do. It's my kind of place, Malaysia, it's got my kind of people too, people who smile at you, people who eat like you, and drink teh tarik and kopi-o and cola too. And each time I roam, Malaysia, is calling me home, to my beautiful kampung.
From coast to coast, across the valley and hillside; from the west to the east, it's the best place to — uh, I forget the lyrics — but it puts a smile on my face, it's my kind of place, it's got my kind of razzmatazz, and all that jazz.
That's why I long for my fireworks. Not the ones plotted by political parties that blow up in your face.
Because the ones, lit by fire and go kablooey in the dark void is a beautiful reminder that our little universe, like The Universe, needs to go bang before it can boom.
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