Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Yes, it's time to move on...

New Communists in Malaysia


Of late, I felt a bit disturbed by the remarks made by our national leaders. They happen to be the senior Ministers who I thought had more foresight to lead this country into a more open society.

Datuk Rais Yatim, the Information Minister and Datuk Zahid Hamidi our Defence Minister, both gave the impression that people who support opposition political parties in particular DAP, are supporting and reviving communism.

Their remarks were made in connection with the issue of Chin Peng.

According to media report Chin Ping the former Malayan Communist Party leader applied to come back to a country now called Malaysia.

An elaboration of Chin Peng’s citizenship has been in the media recently as defined by our Malaysian historian

I can also say, the remark is targeted at Chinese community. And if this has no element of racism then someone has to correct me.

It also shows that we are now becoming too concerned about race and ethnic difference, a device I would say to disintegrate multiracial society that the nation has built over the past fifty years.

The BN leaders instead of defending their records of how well they have performed and how else to improvise our country’s race relation are now accusing supporters of opposition political parties blindly or is this also to include those who are disinterested in the subject.

Wonder what do they expect to people to react?

Chin Peng the former Communist leader of Malaya have been in exile in Thailand for more than fifty years. His application to come to Malaysia was denied by the Prime Minster, because Chin Peng country’s was Malaya, that’s perhaps answered it, as there is no such thing a country named Malaya anymore, PM therefore has no right to accept.

My concerned is not so much about Chin Peng but rather about reading these Ministers’ minds. I don’t consider its fair to blame the rest of the citizens as supporters to communism, when even the term communism hardly understood by ordinary people on the street.

To prove my point go and talk to young first year any Malaysian University’s students if they can define what communism is. I’m sure many would not able to give reasonable definitions; do we expect general public on the street to know better?

In today’s context what’s so bad about communism in China compare with democracy practised in Zimbabwe or Somalia or Malaysia?

Original post: http://kadayanjournal.com/?p=1542


  • 1 Hamba wrote:

    UMNO is drowning and a drowning man will grasp at straws just to stay alive. The Chin Peng issue is nothing more than UMNO death throes…using anything and everything to paint a picture of evil toward the opposition. Racial incitement didn’t work, so UMNO is using communism bogeyman to scare the rakyat. The problem is communism is no longer so scary….US have been trading with communist China and Najib is going to China and possibly shake hand and hug the communist state premier. Well if Najib can hug a communist, what’s wrong with letting a very old ex communist come home? We did sign a treaty with them ( PKM) and in fact communist China is one of Malaysia biggest trading partner. We can have trade with communist but at the same time we consider communist a national threat???? It’s illogical or should I say it’s UMNO’s logic. After 50 years, UMNO’s logic is crap and I for one no longer listen to any of UMNO’s crap. Heck, crap is crap even though it may come from our minister it is still crap! Zahid is crap and Rais is an even older and dried up crap…. These type of crap is no good to anyone.

    May 31, 2009 at 10:10 am Permalink
  • 2 Rumah bersih wrote:

    Rais Yatim is the MINISTER OF MISINFORMATION period.
    I grew fearing the communist as my late father was a prime target….. that was more than 30 years ago…… Chin Peng should be allowed back as they have surrendered and he like all citizen he should be given the same right to free travel, vote and association. Only UMNO clowns fear an aging communist, the world have moved on.

    May 31, 2009 at 11:26 am Permalink
  • 3 Khloo wrote:

    All the racial problems and our national problems are created by UNMO, its cronies and the UMNO warlords for the past 50 years. They are using Race. Royal Families, money and scandals to keep in power.

    Even China now is not really a communist country,they believe more in capitalism than you and I do, what are they talking about?

    These so called national “leaders” always think the Rakyat is bodoh and only they know best? A bunch of Rubbish!!

    May 31, 2009 at 11:28 am Permalink
  • 4 Ylcc wrote:

    “impression that people who support opposition political parties in particular DAP, are supporting and reviving communism.”
    Many Chinese escaped overseas due to persecutions of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. Many left behind died. To revert to communism - no way! BUT at least China puts a bullet through the brains of the corrupted, and murderers. Good reason for UMNO to fear communism (all in the imagination of a guilty mind)! UMNO has run out of ideas to play up the racial card.

    May 31, 2009 at 11:50 am Permalink
  • 5 defendemalaysia wrote:

    Rais Yatim is the minister in the early 60 S. His mindset is still in the 60 S and so it is a matter of time he will be replace. Better for him to go in to retirement as he cannot cope up with the time in this year 2000 whereby the internet media do not need any of your govt mouth piece info.

    May 31, 2009 at 3:14 pm Permalink
  • 6 lefthanded wrote:

    nampak komen dalam blog bahawa generasi baru lebih mengutamakan perpaduan tanpa mengira kaum. Jika pemimpin2 lama ini mengexploitasi dengan mengunakan perbedaan kaum, dorang mungkin salah tasfir lagi

    May 31, 2009 at 3:20 pm Permalink
  • 7 gorshan wrote:

    idelogy communist dan ideology ketuanan.

    yang mana satu lebih berbisa ?

    May 31, 2009 at 3:23 pm Permalink
  • 8 Orang Kampung wrote:

    There has been concerted efforts by those in UMNO to rewrite history books. These sort of attempts are not uncommon. The Japanese did it and angered lots of Koreans when their school texts did not mention or glossed over the brutal occupation of the Korean Peninsula.

    Closer to home, most children today are taught that Malaysian independence happened on the 31st August, 1957 and not 16th September, 1963. This is obviously a deliberate distortion of the truth. Many Malaysians grew up believing that Sabah and Sarawak joined Malaya instead of Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak were equal partners in establishing the Federation of Malaysia. To compound the issue, many Malaysians in the peninsula still believe that Sabah and Sarawak are not even part of Malaysia..!

    I agree with most comments that this issue of Chin Peng (a.k.a Ong Boon Hwa) is a bit trite. We buy Toshiba refrigerators, Sony walkmans and heaps of Japanese products. We are proud to flash our expensive Mercedes, BMW and admit that German chainsaws are superior. Now even our underwears are made by Chinese communists. We even beg them to buy our palm oil.

    Come to think of it, when Malaysia was going to be formed, Sukarno launched the “Konfrantasi” against us. Some of our soldiers lost their lives at some border skirmishes. Now every third foreign worker in this country is Indonesian. They remit billions back to their families every year.

    And we want to get picky over an old Malayan commie..?

    May 31, 2009 at 3:59 pm Permalink
  • 9 Rashid Awang wrote:

    I am sad and disappointed by the comments and remarks made about letting Chin Peng return to Malaysia.Anyone who agrees on allowing Chen Peng return is committing a grievous crime towards the peace loving citizens of Malaysia.No way he should be allowed to step one inch of our beloved soil as the blood of thousands of brave and innocent people of this country is still thick and fresh in his hands.If we can still remember what he did and still live to tell it I dont see why he should be accorded a hero’s welcome by some.More than 6000 soldiers and police were killed more than the present American soldiers killed in Iraq and now some are trying hard to defend his return ,What a shame.Pollitics aside there must exist among us some sense of patriotism and the spirit to stand up and fight their kinds of ideology.If not for the brave uniform people who fought the communists where are we today?A communist State?Then there is no YBs,no Datuks Tan Sris,Tuns,no elections but just appointments here and there.Look at North Korea-a father appointed a son to succeed him and the son is now grooming his son to succeed him.That communist is all about.China opens its border and allowed its people to do business and keep their profits just like a capitalist state is to pacify its people as it has come to the boiling point of frequent protest wanting change in the systems of government so knowing its citizens would settle for profits it opens up the country to the world,a kind of double-edged swords creating a win win situation to the govertment.I do not wish to dwell in length on this matter lest the readers would be bored but I would close by stating my total and absolute disagreement in seeing Chen Peng in my beloved country Malaysia.No way,No how,No Chin Peng.

    June 1, 2009 at 12:37 am Permalink
  • 10 Mat Salleh wrote:

    There are 3 categories of people -Malaysians we found in the country at least when talking about letting Chin Peng to return.
    1. Yes, 2, No, and 3,not interested to know.

    The writer of this article didn’t give specific mention which side he prefers. Instead his concerns is about the Ministers making sweeping remark, which to me, I feel the same, whatever category you belong if you’re not in support of BN or UMNO in particular, you’re assumed supporting opposition, because of that you’re assumed supporting Chin Peng, with that again you are supporting communisms. I think that is totally outrage.

    The second part, it surely is targeted at Chinese, if you are a Chinese but is in category 2, what would you think?

    This political remark should be done in a refined manner as leaders in multiracial society, try not to emulate what was done in the last 50 years that didn’t work but be innovative, let show the rakyat what in the store in the coming 50 years instead. Patriotism doesn’t have to be written on forehead

    June 1, 2009 at 9:43 am Permalink
  • 11 Orang Kampung wrote:

    Rashid Awang..
    The PM has already stated that Chin Peng will not be allowed back into Malaysia. Unless the BN government collapses tomorrow, the decision stands. Further, even if new government is put in place after tomorrow, there’s no saying that Chin Peng will be allowed in.

    This discussion in academic. People are allowed (at least in blogosphere) to speak their minds about this issue. Much as you are willing to state your opinion, others may do so also.

    Many people are of the opinion that this issue is trivial but blown out of proportion by some quarters. Chin Peng is old and will probably die soon. He has admitted defeat and had signed a piece of paper to that effect. The chances of him mobilising an army is nil. If your grandmother was raped by a Japanese soldier in 1943, would you say now that you want to get even with Japan no matter how long into the future? If you think like a Muslim, that would be unIslamic, wouldn’t it?

    The Churchill government during WW2 was basically anti-communist but they were forced to balance between two evils - the Japanese occupiers of Malaya or the communists who were bent on driving out the Japanese. In the end the sent out Force 136 to reach the Malayan communists and subsequently arm them. The communists were mostly drawn from the Chinese communities but without them, the effort of defeating the Japanese in Malaya would have been harder. History books today would like to portray Malays as heroes in fighting the Japanese instead when in fact they played minimal roles in it.

    Rashid Awang..if Malaysia has hidden the relevant documents and history books about the past, rest assured other countries have plenty of records. It would be up to you then, to make a reasoned judgement.

    Chin Peng is history. Even if he dies in some gutter in some foreign land tomorrow, his part in the history of this nation, no matter how they would like to paint him, will remain.

    June 1, 2009 at 11:35 pm Permalink
  • 12 Orang Kampung wrote:

    More to the point..if, let’s say Chin Peng is allowed back into Malaysia tomorrow, where and how does Rashid Awang think he’ll spend his time?

    For a start, he will not get a heroes welcome. Who will welcome him? Poeple his age are either dead or too old to bother. Young people do not even know who he is. Where in Malaysia is he going to settle in? He does not even have a house to go to. If he has surviving relatives, they would be too scared to have him in their midst.

    And what is he going to do with his time? Go to a coffeeshop and read newspapers?

    All he wanted was the approval by the Malaysian government to return and make use of that approval to make one entry for a look-see and then probably return to his home in Thailand.

    If people who are so opposed to his return can put their money where their mouths are, wouldn’t that provide a perfect opportunity to get even with him? They can lynch him in full view of all the veterans and anyone else who care to watch..that would be a case of helping yourself wouldn’t it? Or why cant those who so oppose his return mobilise a commando raid into Thailand and finish him off once and for all.?

    June 1, 2009 at 11:53 pm Permalink
  • 13 Anti Pirate wrote:

    I rather die in communist guns than living in Babi Nazi’s corrupted, racist, selfcentred, murderer, 1Malaysia crap, C4, government. If you compare the progress China has made in the past 30 years or so, where are we now??

    We ‘might’ achieve develop country status in Y2020, but their mentality is still way behind. I do not blame the bumis coz’ they are played by the Babi Nazi govt. Below are the fact:
    1.When the Nazi want to win the support from the Germans, the fault belongs to the Jews.
    2.When the Nazi wants to get more support from the ‘disturbed youth’, they sponsored them sky diving.
    3.When the Nazi lost a few states, they created the race riots (actually it is a coup d’etat only using the Jews as an excuse) a killing 196 Jews and only a few Germans were killed.
    4.When the Nazi has the support from the Germans, they neglect the rulers.
    5.When the Nazi want to grab the power of the Silver State, they say “Daulat Tuanku”.
    6.When we wants to wear black, practice fast, presenting a cake, they sent the ‘Gestapo’.
    7.When the Citizen Alliance fights for the people, they send them to ‘Auschwitz’ without trial.

    Below are the Nazi’s characteristic / ideology described by Wikipedia:
    “Among the key elements of Nazism were anti-parliamentarism, Pan-Germanism, racism, collectivism, eugenics, antisemitism, anti-communism, totalitarianism and opposition to economic liberalism and political liberalism.”

    I may be comparing a bad apple with a rotten apple. No matter how you compare them, they are bad for you. So, how do you think we could achieve W2020??

    June 2, 2009 at 12:57 am Permalink
  • 14 Rashid Awang wrote:

    We must understand one clear fact that is Chin Peng it seems is making a last wish before he goes kaput.Usually a last wish is the most dangerous wish if made by an evil man.I think many will agree with me that Chin Peng is not asking to return because he loves Malaysia or miss her.So.what actually is the underlying reasons?Its true that PM had disallowed him to return but there are still some voices out there who thinks he should be allowed to return.I am fully aware that there many school of thoughts regarding this matter and they are expressed depending on which side of the field you are understanding.I have made my stand clear and which I think is right for my country.For you all whoever you are my advise is read your history well.No country can ever forgive any country which had committed criminal wrongdoings towards it.Are you sure China had forgiven Japan for their atrocities and hatred towards the chinese during world war 2?So my advise to orang kampung

    June 2, 2009 at 2:14 am Permalink
  • 15 Rashid Awang wrote:

    We must understand one clear fact that is Chin Peng it seems is making a last wish before he goes kaput.Usually a last wish is the most dangerous wish if made by an evil man.I think many will agree with me that Chin Peng is not asking to return because he loves Malaysia or miss her.So.what actually is the underlying reasons?Its true that PM had disallowed him to return but there are still some voices out there who thinks he should be allowed to return.I am fully aware that there many school of thoughts regarding this matter and they are expressed depending on which side of the field you are understanding.I have made my stand clear and which I think is right for my country.For you all whoever you are my advise is read your history well.No country can ever forgive any country which had committed criminal wrongdoings towards it.Are you sure China had forgiven Japan for their atrocities and hatred towards the chinese during world war 2?So my advise to orang kampung is dont be emotional to the point of losing your mind

    June 2, 2009 at 2:15 am Permalink

More comments at: http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/22579/84/

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