Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Infinite Secret...

"7 Steps"


The Fatiha - one of the most beautiful surahs in the Quran, a summary of life's success guiding principles.

I derived the Quantum Langsing concepts from this beautiful Surah. I realised that the Quran is alive and dynamic, an applied science, something that is not static. Lately, I've developed a strong interest to pursue it, not as a religious ritual, rather as a calling to study its meaning and messages.

I've been reading too much Western books only to realise the concepts resonates with the messages in the Quran, just that I've been asking why do I understand it better when its been explained that way through my search in other books, when all my life i've never really caught the essence when I attended the more "orthodox" classes?

Only recently after attending ESQ and a bit of the PSK trainings do I see the beauty of Islam. Quite a shame as I guess being born Muslim I've always taken it for granted and have lived a ritual Islam rather than a spiritual Islam all my life.

In the past, I prayed yet I dont really understand the essence of why I prayed. I prayed yet I get distracted all the time when I prayed, no khusyukness. I dont understand why we have to do certain things that we do as a child and I was told not to ask so much questions and to take them all wholesale and its a Blasphemy to be asking so much. "Jangan tanya banyak2 nanti sesat!"

This age is an age of Information of mind exploration of exploring science and the universals laws, a marriage of right and left brain thoughts, rational thinking and the vast imaginative space.

I thank God for allowing me to pursue for quest for meaning and for I seek therefore he Grants me the answers.

Alhamdulillah I was introduced to the ESQ training and the PSK training and I found my answers there and I feel that my journey to know my Creator has just begun and I am beginning to fall in love with Him only now.

I feel more at peace now that this journey has just unfolded and the Love for Him has just started to flourish. Communicating with Him during my prayers is now exciting as I look forward to it as my spirutual connection rather than a chore or obligation.

As my kids grow, I will urge them to explore, to find their spiritual path by learning more about themselves and making such learning a connection with the creator. ESQ is a must for them for nothing beats the experiential learning from such training for modern kids of this age.

So here I am, as I begin this spiritual journey to understand Allah, our Creator, I begin to feel Allah's Presence in all I am doing, including my professional work. I begin to seek meaning in the Quran and in Allah's words.

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