Saturday, September 5, 2009

No denying Chin Peng's role

The debate about Chin Peng wanting to return to Malaysia sometime ago raised numerous comments, especially from those who opposed his return.

The caims that his return will spark negative sentiments among the people, especially the security forces, sounded naive.

They conveniently forget the reason behind the insurgency. Let me add my two cents, and I stand to be corrected.

The insurgency was initially to oppose Japanese occupation, and later against the returning British occupiers and colonialists.

The Communist Party of Malaya's purpose was to fight for the independence of Malaya, free from any colonial powers and be masters of their own land.

Nonetheless, these were carried out under the ideology of communism as it suited the time and circumstances.

In my opinion, the so-called security forces serving under the command of the British occupiers seemed to be content to be ruled by the colonial masters.

So the question is which group has contributed more to this free land?

I'm of the opinion that Chin Peng and his comrades have contributed much to the development that led to the independence of Malaya.

Their efforts cannot be denied as they and their contributions will have a place in history, no matter what.

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