Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Diarise 1800HRS GMT on Youm'ul 'Arafah.


 Please diarise Arafat 2010 (Nov 15 or 16) at 6pm GMT


Please send this email to ALL your contacts and get the word out please.. …This email must simply viral across the globe please, as soon as you have read it, forward it on to your Muslim contacts. 

Description: The Mission

"Dua is the weapon of the muslim"

10 minutes that changed the world! ( inshAllah)

On the day of Arafat 2010 (Nov 15 or 16) at 6pm GMT, All Muslims around the world will unite and raise their hands together in the largest mass Du'a in history; to pray to the Almighty one true God to protect the weak and suffering in Pakistan and all over the world, to bring peace to Palestine and to unite the Ummah...

Broadcast Live on the Internet and TV/Radio stations all across the world this event will mark the beginning of a new era where people from all over the world will put aside their cultural/sectarian differences for just 10 minutes as we get together to use the greatest powers we all have in common; Prayer and a direct link to Allah.

Using the reach of existing charity networks, mosques, Muslim organisations, Muslim TV & radio stations and social networking sites we will bring together the largest Muslim congregation in history during the holy month to do what  Allah has told us to do to help our brothers and sisters all over the world.

Would you give 10 minutes of your time to stop and ask Allah for help, for guidance and for the protection of those whom we cannot ourselves protect; at a time when they need it most?

"Whenever you make a Dua for another believer and he is not present, an angel will say 'and same to you."


10 Minute broadcast directly from Makkah (or Jerusalem)

5 min film about the Global Prayer
3 min dua led by Imam, written specifically for global prayer.
2 min silence and blank out, where the people will be asked to raise their hands for individual prayer in their own respective languages

When you are questioned on the day of judgement and asked about what you did for your ummah; what will you say?

Where will you be in the 10 minutes that change the world?

Copyright © 2010 Global Prayer 2010 - www.globalprayer2010.com

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On the day of Arafat @ 6pm GMT  is YOUR chance to make A DUAA , the biggest DUAA ever held, Muslims United, as ONE UMMAH, to make a DUAA FOR THE MUSLIMS AROUND THE WORLD.. TO make Duaa for the Muslims of Pakistan, Palestine, Africa, Asia and ofcourse around the world. 

On the day of Arafat 2010 (Nov 15 or 16) at 6pm GMT, All Muslims around the world will unite and raise their hands together in the largest mass Du'a in history; to pray to the Almighty one true God to protect the weak and oppressed, to bring peace to Palestine and to unite the Ummah, to help the Muslim Ummah, to help the people of Pakistan, Africa and Muslims across the world inshAllah. 


Just as you would never miss an appointment for a Job interview, where you would Never forget the time or date, DON'T forget Muslims will be making Duaa on the day of Arafat inshAllah  @ 6PM  GMT , THE DUAA OF A LIFETIME WHERE MUSLIMS WILL BE UNITED AND MAKING A DUAA TO ALLAH SWT FOR FORGIVENESS AND HELP..  

So, what are you going to do? Simple.. SEND THIS EMAIL TO VIRAL ACROSS THE WORLD NOW……Just do it, and Do It now..  !!

 Here is the Video to see this DUAA for the Muslim Ummah :


 The organisers website is : 


 And Allah swt knows best.






Sunday, August 29, 2010

Response to JMD's 'Questioning the NEP'

Salam. An email response I received worth sharing.

If I may comment, this article by jebatmustdie as usual is quite contentious in nature.

1st, this subject of NEP is a never-ending debatable subject, which really have no Right or Wrong answer(s).

But to question its relevance or the need to continue/discontinue/modify it is not wrong, in fact it is everyone’s right to question it. No need to ask his/her intention of asking. Ni kadang2 asyik nak marah bangsa lain bila depa raise this issue and kita defend it all out, for whatever good reasons or interests.

2ndly, I checked Article 153 of the Constitution, takde pun cakap pasal NEP or that 30%.. So I don’t know whether this statement by jebatmustdie betul ke tidak, “The quota, for those who don’t know, is stipulated in the Constitution.” To me if someone were to question this particular number, 30%, then no need for us to defend by saying its already stipulated in the Constitution when it is actually not. Correct me if I’m wrong.

3rdly, kalau nak defend nombor keramat itu (30%)  sekalipun, tak guna, sebab kita masih jauh dari mencapai angka tersebut. What is important is to work harder, to strategise and implement what is supposedly ours. Cina memang kerja siang malam, kerja yg mendatang faedah/keuntungan yg sebanyak mungkin, itu satu hakikat yg kita kena terima. Whereas org2 Melayu mmg relatively malas, what more budak2 remaja sekarang, dgn dadah, rempit etc. They are in hundreds of thousands! Ramai tu! What are they/govt/we doing with them?? Anak2 Cina terus meninggalkan anak2 kita, jauh kedepan, dlm pelajaran, dlm bisnes, dlm bnyk ruanglingkup kehidupan, termasuk politik! Kita dok brgaduh, mengfitnah sana sini, sesame sendiri!

4thly, yes, he may be right by saying that NEP has been successful in creating a large middle-class Malaysians. This is by far the biggest achievement for the rakyat. But certainly there are other major setback for the rakyat (could be major winnings to segelintir ‘pemimpin’ & cronies, with billions…)…sampai skrg the Malays are still lagging very very far behind the Chinese in various sectors! So maknanya mesti ada sesuatu very critical, very conspicuous tentang NEP ni, why it literally failed. Ini yg kena kaji, secara jujur, bukan setakat melepas batok ditangga, alakadar!

Political propaganda should not be the way ahead. Enough is enough! Rakyat know very well skrg ni, depa semua dah pandai, bukan ‘bodoh’ atau ‘naïve’ mcm dulu. Tapi most politicians still assume the rakyat are just like 50 years ago (may be still true kot..sbb tu depa still guna teknik sama, divide and rule).

When we are in business, as many of us are, kita Nampak the very conspicuous and huge gap btw kita dgn org2 cina, very very huge! Reflected by their ownership of commercial buildings, estates, businesses etc. as compared to ours. Too too huge a gap! As if there is no way, impossible for us to catch up with them! Macamane nak buat, I really don’t know…mmg kena buat sendiri, since govt mmg tak boleh buat, dah lbh 50 tahun kita beri peluang, masih tak boleh buat, makin jauh ada… & nak bagi peluang kpd new govt/PR, to me personally they are not yet prepared to do that. Bentuklah dulu saf/barisan kepimpinan bersama yang mantap, kuat, barulah boleh memerintah Malaysia dengan lebih baik dari BN. Jika tidak, maaflah, hamba rasa ianya masih dan hanya sekadar mimpi disiang hari. Kalau pun dapat tawan Putrajaya, ianya mungkin akan mendatang bnyk masalah (within and without) yg kemungkinan besar boleh mendatangkan berbagai masalah kpd rakyat. 

So…the struggle have to go on..!

Cukuplah celoteh panjang pagi2 ni…sori bros… ;)
