Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Prisoner No. 650 - Dr Aafia Siddiqui

We can do a lot and have faith in ourselves, we should spread this shocking information.




Prisoner No. 650
Dr Aafia Siddiqui,
A Pakistani PhD. Having 144 Honorary Degrees & Certificates, In Neurology, From Different Institutes Of The World,
The Only Neurologist In The World Have The Honorary Ph.d From Harvard University,
 Hafiz-e-Quraan, Aalima, 
Not Even A Single American Matches her Qualifications, 
Was Kidnapped along with her 3 children, By the FBI from Karachi, With Help of Pakistan Government Alleging Connection with Al-Qaeeda,
Now She is in USA prison,
 Having Lost Memory, Due to physical, Psychological & Sexual Torture,
She is Imprisoned with Men,

Plz spread it !!!!!  



Pass the Butter, PLEASE?

Pass The Butter . Please.    
         This is interesting .. .. .
Margarine  was originally manufactured to fatten  turkeys  When it killed the turkeys, the people who had put  all the money into the research wanted a payback so they put their  heads together to figure out what to do with this product to get  their money back.
It was a white substance with no food appeal  so they added the yellow colouring and sold it to people to use in place of butter.  How do you like it?   They have come out  with some clever new flavourings..   

The difference between margarine and butter?  
Read on to the end...gets very interesting!   
Both  have the same amount of calories.
Butter  is slightly higher in saturated fats at 
8  grams;compared   to 5 grams for margarine.
Eating margarine
 can increase  heart disease in women by 53% according to a recent  Harvard  Medical Study.

butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in  other foods.
Butter  has many nutritional benefits where margarinehas a few and   
only  because  they are added!
Butter  tastes much better than margarine and it can enhance the flavours of  other foods.
Butter  has been around for centuries where margarinehas been around for less than 100 year s.

And now, for Margarine..
Very High in Trans fatty acids.
Triples risk of coronary 
heart disease .
Increases  total cholesterol and LDL (this is the bad cholesterol) and  lowers HDL cholesterol, (the good cholesterol)
Increases  the risk of cancers up to five times..
Lowers  quality of 
breast milk.
Decreases immune response.
insulin response.

And  here's the most disturbing fact.... HERE IS THE PART THAT  IS  VERY INTERESTING!
Margarine  is but ONE MOLECULE away  from being PLASTIC... and shares 27 ingredients withPAINT
These facts alone were enough to have me avoiding margarine for life  and anything else that is hydrogenated (this means hydrogen is  added,  changing the molecular structure of the  substance).   

You  can try this yourself:
Purchase  a tub of margarine and leave it open in your garage or shaded  area.  Within a couple of days you will notice a couple of things:
 *  no flies, not even those pesky fruit flies will go near it  (that should tell you something)
 *  it does not rot or smell differently because it has 
no nutritional value ; nothing will grow on it. Even those teeny weeny  microorganisms will not a find a home to grow.  Why?   Because it is nearly plastic .  Would you melt your Tupperware and  spread that  on your toast?  

Share  This With Your Friends.....(If you want to butter them   up')!

Chinese Proverb:
When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it,  you have a  moral obligation to share it with  others.  

EXTRA: Email comments from an expert friend
Yeah, we scientists knew these long time ago but because Malaysia produces palm oil, which is the base ingredient for making margarine, we cannot make noise or the palm oil industry will collapse. We also cannot speak out cos palm oil is facing stiff criticisms from soybean growers in USA who are promoting soybean oil & milk as anticancer agents/with anticancer properties. We were asked to defend Malaysia long ago when it was a big crisis.

Butter vs margarine, which is better and which is safer?

Butter is natural while margarine has to undergo chemical processing (including bleaching!) to make it of desired consistency, colour & odourless. Usually, as the practice is in Malaysia, several sources of edible oils are mixed into one and then hydrogenated (bubble in lots of hydrogen gas) to stiffen/harden the oil (becomes the margarine we get). When the oil is hydrogenated, this hydrogenation process creates unwanted dangerous chemicals called the trans fatty acids or TFA (nasty stuff really).

TFA is present in every foodstuf that is made from palm oil and any oil that has undergone chemical processing, including hydrogenation. So, we find TFA in almost all foods today, from baby milk formula (the WHO has requested that this be kept to minimum), biscuits made with oil & milk, chocolate milk bars and everything you can think of that has oil & milk.

TFA is harmful because of its abnormal chemical structure (trans rather than cis structure). Our body is stable cos we are made up of stable chemicals, including water, and intact cell membranes. TFA packs abnormally in cell membranes and cause changes in membrane fluidity, the root cause of many cancers we see today. Once cell membranes are unstable or damaged, the underlying tissue face a lot of danger, including the possibility of cancer occuring, the other is atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries, especially the big one called the aorta which lies above the heart and the coronary artery, the one that supplies oxygen to the heart).

TFA is only one of them. The other culprit is lipid peroxides, which also arises from oils, the same oils we use for cooking. Another story, later? Yes, pass the butter, please cos it is definitely better!!
Many thanks to Nen (Norzaini) & Prof FAR for sharing.