Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Omar Ong slipped into Petronas?

This news just came in on Rocky Bru's today here and his Malay Mail is publishing the story here.

Words leaked today that the controversial and member of the Oxford mafia, Omar Ong will be appointed as Petronas Director. The announcement will be soon.

It seemed that the decision was already made in early August. Despite the strong resistance expressed by Independent Directors of Petronas, Prime Minister, Dato Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak vehemently insisted on the appointment beleived to be at the behest of Omar Ong.

Words are his appointment would pave the way for his eventual appointment as President/CEO of Petronas. Hasan Merican is due for retirement.

The general concern of those in the know of Omar Ong's background and affiliation is that he is being assigned a position beyond his own capacity and capability. His past tendency to tinker and introduce his yet to be proven successful consultancy templates.

Omar Ong is untested and should be tried to run a smaller organisation elsewhere. The succession plan in Petronas should be respected.

Why are we ready to gamble Petronas in his hand?

Petronas is a major asset of the nation and manges the nation's oil reserve and foreign exploration. It has a wealth of human resources and experiance within its fold. It has its own succssion plan and there should not be any queue jumping from outside the organisation.

The problem with the worldview of people like Omar Ong is their tendency to be fascinated with what's fashionable of the day and not ready to defy convention and norms.

When Petronas was established by Tengku Tan Sri Razaleigh Hamzah, Malaysia defied the norms set by the Seven Sisters Oil Companies of the world. The country resisted the pressure to follow the rules and terms laid down by the major oil companies and its backing superpower. That brevity and strong sense of patriotism had enabled Malaysia to have "real ownership" of its oil wealth and the money plowed back to develop the nation. Otherwise, Petronas would be in the boondogs like Indonesia's Pertamina today.

Placing personalities like Omar Ong, with linked and association with Khairy, Tingkat 4 and their network of corporate freeloaders pervading every Government linked Companies in the country, is that they are devoid of any sense of patiotism and over awed with the western corporate thinking without pondering a glimpse of the bigger national agenda.

The presence of Omar Ong was attributed to the high dependence of the Government and GLCs with wasteful brand named Corporate Consultant. Lost are the building of creativity and capacity to think and plan put our own solutions to problems and our own thinking in development.

The irony is that the presence of graduates from such branded prestigous Universities does not translate into independent thinking but becoming more dependent nore on foreigh brains. Petronas will eventually be run by outside consultants rather by from capacity and capability from within.

The most scary part is Omar will have access to confidential and important numbers that is not reported. This blogger see Omar as a security risk just like Khairy and his Tingkat 4.

Omar is dangerous because he has his own personal cause and agenda that will not be congruent with the historical social, political and economic fabric of the party and nation.

Beyond the sight of the Prime Minister, Omar Ong is not as personable to others to enable him to command the respect and loyalty from his underlings to be an effective leader is such an important organisation.

His appointment will have a discouraging effect on the sizable number of Petronas employee who has been loyal to the organisation. Omar was a Petronas scholar who did not honour his commitment to serve with Petronas and on many occasion have repeatedly rescinded in his agreement with his scholarship provider.

All due respect to the prerogative of the Prime Minister to choose and in the spirit of 1Malaysia and his call to listen to the rakyat, this rakyat plead the PM to reconsider. Also this rakyat wish to remind the PM that he had gave a commitment not emulate Pak Lah's practise of having a wunder boy and a West Wing style Tingkat 4.

This is one appointment this blogger strongly feel the PM made a mistake and this honest view is expressed without any malice but out of concern for his own Premiership. In fact, the appointment will become a political liability to Najib. This is one burden he does not need.

The PM may have confidence in Omar Ong but not those who knows Omar Ong beyond the confine of the PM's office and a natural kow tow to the number 1 of the country.

Can 1Malaysia please listen to what the fear and concern of the people?

Article source: http://anotherbrickinwall.blogspot.com/2009/09/omar-ong-slipped-into-petronas.html

Friday, September 18, 2009

The military flexes its muscle - A hint of what's to come in case things go wrong in the Peninsula

Military Invasion Of The Highest Order!

The sovereignty of Sabah is being dangerously compromised with the involvement of the Armed forces in politics. In my last posting,Malaysia,a police state in the making?,I mentioned that it's ashamed that the present regime has mobilized and abused all the public-funded institutions in this country whose fundamental roles and responsibilities are to safeguard the nation and the people's interest.

The intrusion of fully armed army personnel in demanding a villagerDatu Pengiran Ahmad Datu Ali Alam,who is a member of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) to take down the party flag which he proudly hoisted in his house,simply because the Minister of Defence,Datuk Zahid Hamidi (below left) was making an "ops pasir" visit is not only tantamount to abuse of power but complete erosion and violation of his constitutional rights and freedom of association with the political party of his choice.

It has also been reliably learnt,that the police has forwarded the report made by Datu Pengiran Ahmad to the army for their further action.I was also informed by Datu Pengiran Ahmad that,he was also approached by a third party to withdraw his police report and negotiate the matter amicably.What was there to negotiate is absolutely mind-boggling.

I almost fell off my chair,upon hearing this,which to me is an effort to completely "cover-up" this entire episode and erase it from the face of the earth. This also further confirms my earlier post,that the said incident was a clear sign of immense fear of the present regime toward the opposition's presence, and a desperate attempt to eliminate such fear or threat by suppressing the general masses' show of support for the opposition.

I urge the Chief Minister of Sabah cum State Security Committee Chairman,Datuk Musa Aman (left),to refrain from being "confused" in his press statement that appeared in a local daily stating "DON'T FALL FOR BLOG TALK".The Chief Minister cannot be that ignorant,on the facts and events that took place in Semporna.The army must come clean and respond to their actions.

In a magnanimous stand,Supreme council member,Hj.Ansari Abdullah (below) and the state leadership of Parti Keadilan Rakyat(PKR) of Sabah called for the armed forces to keep out of the political realm of the country,at a press conference.The video clip on the press conference is presented to you here.

Watch the videos at the article source: http://advocateviews.blogspot.com/2009/09/sovereignty-of-sabah-is-being.html

A Voice from Singapore Malay

Laporan The News Straits Time 30 August 2009
Dr. Suzaina Kadir, 41
Pensyarah Kanan Sains Politik, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (Institut Dasar Umum Lee Kuan Yew)
"Pihak kerajaan dapat bantu memberikan lapangan yang rata untuk semua"

"Jika anda tanya saya apakah maksud "keadilan perkauman", jawapan saya adalah ia bermaksudhak yang sama untuk semua dalam mendapatkan peluang dan sumber. Ini tidak sepatutnya dilihat dari segi perkauman sahaja tetapi dari segi semua pihak dan perkumpulan.

Perkara ini menjadi rumit apabila kita mengahadapi peninggalan sejarah yang telah menindas hak kumpulan-kumpulan tertentu termasuk penindasan dari segi kaum. Maka persoalan ini berkembang menjadi sama ada pihak kerajaan harus bertindak mewujudkan suatu suasana di mana semua pihak menmpunyai peluang yang sama.

Terdapat pihak yang menyatakan perbuatan ini adalah "meratakan padang persaingan yang tidak rata". Terdapat pelbagai pendekatan untuk pihak kerajaan cuba untuk mencapai matlamat ini.

Saya bersetuju dengan peringatan Menteri Mentor Lee Kuan Yew dalam Parlimen bahawa kita mesti mengingati "titik permulaan" kita. Kita perlu memahami perbincangan mengenai hubungan perkauman yang wujud ketika dan semasa waktu merdeka. Hanya dengan inilah kita boleh memahami maksud dan matlamat yang membentuk dasar-dasar yang berkenaan dengan perkauman di Singapura. Saya bersetuju bahawa kita sering tidak berbuat demikian dan tidak memahami ini dengan sepenuhnya.

Penting juga kita berbuat demikian untuk menilai sepenuhnya apa yang kita telah capai dan bolehkah kita beralih daripada dasar sekarang. Pemahaman mendalam adalah perlu untuk kita menilai pencapaian kita sama ada telah mencapai matlamat asal kita serta adakah kita telah melakukan kesalahan atau tidak.

Ini membawa saya kepada persoalan yang lebih peka lagi mengenai kaum minoriti di Singapura patut dilindungi dan dibantu oleh kerajaan atau tidak. Ini adalah soalan yang sukar untuk saya jawab dan saya kerap memikirkannya. Seperti ramai rakyat Singapura, saya diasuh dengan dan mempercayai tentang dasar meritokrasi dan saya masih berpegang mengenai dasar ini.

Saya masih ingat lagi dalam tahun lewat 80'an, sebagai penuntut universiti Melayu/Muslim, perbahasan genting ketika itu adalah patutkah pihak kerajaan patut memansuhkan subsidi pendidikan untuk orang Melayu dan saya ingat mendengar pemimpin-peminpin Melayu / Muslim menentang tindakan ini tetapi saya rasa subsidi ini harus dimansuhkan kerana bagi Singapura, cara tunggal yang membolehkan kita bergerak ke hadapan adalah hak yang sama untuk semua kaum. Tanpa mengira kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu dalam perlembagaan Singapura, saya rasa tidak perlu perlindungan khas untuk laum-kaum minoriti kerana ini bertentangan dengan fahaman meritokrasi. Saya memegang kepercayaan kuat bahawa pendekatan yang sama patut diamalkan dalam pelbagai perbadanan bantu-sendiri.

Tetapi keadaan kini bukanlah begitu jelas. Peluang sama rata untuk semua sebenarnya tidak begitu adil untuk kumpulan-kumpulan tertentu. Mungkin kerajaan masih ada peranan lagi. Saya rasa perbahasan kita harus bertuju mengenai apakah peranan kerajaan, bagaimanakah kita mewujudkan peluang sama rata untuk semua kumpulan masyarakat.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The New World Order is “Communism”

September 11, 2009


by Henry Makow, Ph.D.

(This incorporates, revises and updates the essential "Central Bankers Seek Totalitarian Power" from Nov. 2003.)  

Most people think Communism is an ideology dedicated to public ownership and championing workers and the poor.  This was a simple but incredibly successful ruse which duped hundreds of millions. The ideology appealed to people who want something for nothing-  rather a large segment. 

In fact, Communism is devoted to concentrating all wealth and power in the hands of the central banking cartel (the Rothschilds and their allies) by disguising it as State power. (The State is run by witting & unwitting agents of the Rothschilds.)

Any ideology that further concentrates wealth and power in the hands of the "State" is Communism in another guise. These ideologies -- socialism, liberalism, fascism, neo-conservatism, zionism and feminism -- are fronts for "Communism," and are organized and funded by the central banking cartel.     

The essence of the New World Order is Communist. Current events are all designed to increase government power. For example, the viruses that the Protocols of Zion mentioned over a hundred years ago, and threaten us now, are designed to force people to vaccinate or quarantine. They are tests to see how much government control people will docilely accept. That's why it's very important to resist vigorously.  My hunch is that this is not the big plague but could very well be a dry run. Amazing how the mainstream media is so certain this is going to be serious.

We must ask ourselves why, when America is teetering on financial collapse, Obama would  focus his energies on expanding health care? This is like a bankrupt man buying a Mercedes instead of getting a job. My friends say it is a diversion. It certainly fits the pattern of increasing government control. 


After The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The Red Symphony  is the best revelation of the real state of our world. "The Red Symphony" is a 1938 Stalinist Secret Police (NKVD) interrogation of Christian Rakovsky, a Soviet ambassador who was a close associate of Leon Trotsky, Rothschild's agent. The text is online or in Des Griffin, Fourth Reich of the Rich. 

I introduced this explosive 50-page document to my readers in 2003. It strips the veil from modern history and explains the real meaning of Revolution, Communism, Freemasonry and War. It was not intended to become public knowledge. The translator, a Dr. J. Landowsky, made an unauthorized copy.

The human experiment is endangered by private interests who have usurped the function of money creation everywhere. Modern history reflects the gradual process by which they transfer all wealth and power to themselves, destroying Western Civilization and creating a world police state. In 1938, he could say the whole world is controlled by the Rothschild syndicate of Sabbatean (Illuminati, Masonic) Jewish bankers and their allies. 

Rakovsky, whose real name was Chaim Rakover, was sentenced to death in Stalin's purge of the Trotskyite faction of the party. Leon Trotsky wrote in his autobiography, My Life, : "Christian G. Rakovsky... played an active part in the inner workings of four Socialist parties-- the Bulgarian, Russian, French, and Roumanian--to become eventually one of the leaders of the Soviet Federation, a founder of the Communist Internationale, President of the Ukranian Soviet of People's Commissaries, and the diplomatic Soviet representative in England and France ..." 

Rakovsky tried to convince his interrogator that the bankers created the Communist state as a "machine of total power" unprecedented in history. In the past, due to many factors, "there was always room for individual freedom. Do you understand that those who already partially rule over nations and worldly governments have pretensions to absolute domination? Understand that this is the only thing which they have not yet reached." (emphasis mine) 

A pernicious force paralyzes our national life. Rakovsky identifies it: "Imagine to yourself, if you can a small number of people having unlimited power through the possession of real wealth, and you will see they are the absolute dictators of the stock exchange and [economy]...If you have enough imagination then...you will see [their] anarchical, moral and social influence, i.e. a revolutionary one...Do you now understand?" 

"...They created credit money with a view to making its volume close to infinite. And to give it the speed of sound....it is an abstraction, a being of thought, a figure, number, credit, faith...." (pp.245-246)

Of course they need to protect their credit monopoly by translating it into a monopoly over all power and thought. World government is necessary to prevent any country from issuing their own credit (money) or repudiating their debt. This is the New World Order. 


The Revolutionary Movement, which defines modern history, was a means to institutionalize banker power by destroying the old order. Marxism, "before being a philosophical, economic and political system, is a conspiracy for the revolution." Rakovsky scoffs at the "elementary Marxism...the demagogic popular one" that is used to dupe the intellectuals and the masses. (238)  Marx was hired by Rothschild to dupes the masses. Rakovsky says Marx "laughs in his beard at all humanity."  (Griffin, 240) Of course, Marx never mentioned the Roithschilds. (243) 

As for Freemasonry: "Every Masonic organization tries to create all the required prerequisites for the triumph of the Communist revolution; this is the obvious aim of Freemasonry," says Rakovsky, a high-ranking Mason himself.

The aim of the Revolution is no less than to redefine reality in terms of the interests of the bankers. This involves the promotion of subjective truth over objective truth. If Lenin "feels something to be real" then it is real. "For him every reality, every truth was relative in the face of the sole and absolute one: the revolution." 

In other words, white is black and up is down. This is the way it was in the Soviet Union and this is now happening to us. Truth and justice are being replaced by political diktat. "Political correctness" a Bolshevik term is now in common usage. Physicists like Steven Jones who question Sept.11 are silenced. (The problem with not bringing the 9-11 perps to justice is that they will do it again.) Homosexuality is normalized and promoted to increase arrested development and destroy the family. . 

Rakovsky marvels that "the benches on which sat the greasy usurers to trade in their moneys, have now been converted into temples, which stand magnificently at every corner of contemporary big towns with their heathen colonnades, and crowds go there ...to bring assiduously their deposits of all their possessions to the god of money..."

He says the Soviet five-pointed star represents the five Rothschild brothers with their banks, who possess colossal accumulations of wealth, the greatest ever known."

Isn't it strange that Marx never mentions this fact? Rakovsky asks. Isn't it strange that during revolutions, the mobs never attack the bankers, their mansions or banks?


War is the means by which the central bankers advance their goal of totalitarian world government. Rakovsky says Trotsky was behind the murder of Arch Duke Ferdinand (which sparked WWI.) He recalls the phrase used by the mother of the five Rothschild brothers: "'If my sons want it, then there will be no war.' This means that they were the arbiters, the masters of peace and war, but not emperors. Are you capable of visualizing the fact of such a cosmic importance? Is not war already a revolutionary function? War? The Commune. Since that time every war was a giant step towards Communism." 

After the murder of [Illuminati member Weimar Foreign Minister] Walter Rathenau in 1922, the Illuminati give political or financial positions only to intermediaries, Rakowsky says. "Obviously to persons who are trustworthy and loyal, which can be guaranteed a thousand ways: thus one can assert that those bankers and politicians [in the public eye] - are only men of straw . . . even though they occupy very high places and are made to appear to be the authors of the plans which are carried out."  Think Barack Obama. 

In 1938, Rakovsky outlined three reasons for the upcoming Second World War. The first is that Hitler began to print his own money. "This is very serious. Much more than all the external and cruel factors in National-Socialism." 

Secondly, the "fully developed nationalism of Western Europe is an obstacle to Marxism...the need for the destruction of nationalism is alone worth a war in Europe." 

Finally, Communism cannot triumph unless it suppresses the "still living Christianity." He refers to the "permanent revolution" as dating from the birth of Christ, and the reformation as "its first partial victory" because it split Christianity. This suggests that the "conspiracy" also contains a racial or religious factor. 

"In reality, Christianity is our only real enemy since all the political and economic phenomena of the Bourgeois States. Christianity controlling the individual is capable of annulling the revolutionary projection of the neutral Soviet or Atheist State." 

Now the Central Bankers are promoting World War Three as in "The Clash of Civilizations." Substitute Islam for Christianity above, and pit "Christians" against them.


The New World Order does not only create a new power. It creates a new reality out of touch with the truth. It employs legions of pundits, professors and politicos to enforce its precepts. These are the argentur  ("agents") referred to smugly in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
What kind of credibility do these people have knowing they will lose their jobs if they tell the truth? They are all accomplices in the 9-11 cover-up,

The truth is that society is totally subverted. Government, education, entertainment and the news media are totally in the hands of the central banking cartel. The private sector all sings from the same song book, indicating the central bankers control it.  The same applies to think tanks, foundations, NGO's, professional associations and major charities.  Intelligence agencies report to the central bankers. They and Masonic secret societies are a central part of the mechanism of control.

This article "How the Fed Bought the Economics Profession" is the template for all professions. 

As a result, society is helpless to address its real problem: the untenable concentration of wealth, power and cultural influence in the hands of Cabala-believing bankers secretly intent on culling, degrading and enslaving us. We are stymied by the bogus charge of "anti-Semitism" when most Jews are deceived and manipulated like everyone else,(although their role is vastly disproportionate.) There is no shortage of lackeys from all ethnic backgrounds willing to serve these Satanist bankers. This service defines "success" today.

"History" is a lie. Wars are a fraud. Current events are largely orchestrated. Projects are ventured for different purposes than stated. All we can do is continue to throw a spanner in their works and alert our fellow citizens.  I am not too concerned with catastrophe. I see continued gradual drift to one world order fascism. Mankind is being put into a coma, a state of arrested development based on a fixation with toys, sports, relationships, sex and money. The last thing the bankers want to do is awaken the cattle from their slumber.

Mankind is doomed as long as Cabalist central bankers control society. All that is needed is to nationalize the central banks, repudiate debts created from nothing by these bankers, break up cartels, especially Hollywood and the media, and institute strict public campaign financing. 

But as long as the majority perceive their interests in terms of the status quo, our problems will remain systemic. They won't go away.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The PAP in crisis (Part 1): An ossified structure lacking an institutionalized system of party renewal

By Eugene Yeo, Consultant Editor (Editing by Jeremy Yau)

[In this classic five-part series, Eugene Yeo will examine the inherent weaknesses of the ruling PAP, its implications for Singapore and possible scenarios in the post-LKY era.]

As the PAP celebrated its 50th year anniversary in power in 2009 as well as the distinction of being the second longest political party in government in Asia after the Chinese Communist Party, it appears that this dominant party will continue its rule for the next fifty years.

Fifty years of uninterrupted rule has entrenched the PAP in all aspects of Singapore's institutions and life. The line between government and party has become increasingly blurred with each passing day. The opposition is too enfeebled and divided to put up a strong challenge such that elections are relegated no more than a five-year "PR exercise" to legitimatize the PAP's "mandate" to govern Singapore.

Despite being one of the world's most successful political parties, the PAP is facing an impending crisis, if it is not already in one stemming largely from its internal structural weaknesses which ironically were its greatest strengths in its early days culminating in a monolithic, stable and efficient political machinery.

When Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong said lately that Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is looking for a candidate in his 30s and 40s to take over him, he had unwittingly revealed the PAP's greatest weakness: an ossified internal structure which has long ceased to be a viable, dynamic and ambitious political party crippled by a lack of institutionalized system of succession and renewal to pass the baton from one generation of leaders to another.

The PAP has a monopoly of the best talents in Singapore. There are ready candidates in the party with many years of experience in government to take over Mr Lee's position: Health Minister Mr Khaw Boon Wan, Finance Minister Tharman, Foreign Minister George Yeo, Education Minister Dr Ng Eng Hen and Youth and Sports Minister Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, just to quote a few. Why is there a need to source for a fresh, inexperienced and untested candidate from outside the party hierarchy for Singapore's 4th Prime Minister?

Singapore inherited the Westminister model of government from Britain which is similiar to Malaysia and India. The leader of the political party with the most number of seats in Parliament will usually become the Prime Minister. For example, Gordon Brown who replaced Tony Blair as the Labor Party Chief automatically became the British Prime Minister. Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who became UMNO's President last year, became Malaysia's 6th Prime Minister a month later.

Unless there are no candidates within the PAP to replace Mr Lee as its Secretary-General, it is inconceivable that he will need to recruit a successor from outside the party ranks. But again, it will not be surprising if we consider the fact that the PAP is all but a political party in name only. The present PAP is a pale shadow of its past and has become a mere vehicle for the ruling elite to maintain their legitimate hegemony over the nation.

Every political party should have different factions and hence centers of power, a proper system of leadership renewal and a political milieu for it to operate. China may be an authoritarian one-party state ruled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), but the CCP is not as monolithic as the PAP.

There are currently four different centers of power in the CCP: the Shanghai clique led by Jiang Zemin's proteges in the Politburo, the Communist Youth League under Secretary-General Hu Jintao and his protege Li Keqiang, the Old Guards and their princelings such as Hu's anointed successor Xi Jiping, the son of the highly revered Xi Zhongxun and new technocrats rising through the ranks of power.

The CCP has moved from the one-man rule during Maoist era to a party ruled collectively by consensus while the PAP remained literally under the thumbs of one man.

Malaysia's UMNO is split between loyalists of ex-Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi, Mahathirists, supporters of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and Tengku Razeleigh Hamzah, the odd man out. Again, there are opposing forces to counter the political clout of the incumbent unlike the PAP where all power is concentrated in the hands of one or few persons with no other alternative centers of power.

In a political party, every single cadre will have the opportunity to advance in the party hierarchy and to lead it if he/she is capable enough to command the respect and trust of the other members. Factionalism will also be an ugly but inevitable aspect of intra-party politics with two or more groups emerging to jostle for power and support within the party ranks as in the present crisis engulfing the Malaysian Chinese Association which is split between its President Ong Tee Keat and his deputy Chua Soi Lek.

There was genuine intra-party democracy, politics and competition in the early days of the PAP. It was revealed lately by ex-PAP Chairman Toh Chin Chye and Ong Pang Boon that in the aftermath of the PAP's electoral victory in 1959, the PAP's CEC set out to select who to become the next Chief Minister of Singapore. (Source: Straits Times, 5 September 2009)

There were two nominations - the PAP's Secretary-General Lee Kuan Yew and its hugely popular treasurer and Mayor Singapore, Ong Eng Guan. Lee won by only one vote cast by Toh Chin Chye.

The present PAP does not subscribe to all the norms of a political party. It has lost is vitality and is an empty shell lacking competitive intra-party politics to nurture aspiring young politicians and to ensure a proper and peaceful transition of power. Its internal structure is closer to the "mandarinate" system of ancient Chinese dynasties than to a modern political party.

Under the "mandarinate" system, power is highly centralized in the hands of a single person or an inner corterie of persons beholdened to him/her. This person, nominally the Emperor in China's feudal dynasties, retains overall control in the selection and appointment of personnel to fill important positions of leadership in the system. Seniority counts for little and outsiders can be easily parachuted to take up positions usually reserved for party elders. There is no institutionalized system of party succession or renewal which boils down to the word of one man/woman.

The hierarchy of the PAP can be divided into the following:

1. The real seat of power centered around the Prime Minister (or some say, his father) and his closest ministers and aides.

2. Other ministers and MPs.

3. Ordinary party cadres.

4. Grassroots support.

In a typical political party like Malaysia's UMNO, Japan's LDP or even China's CCP, party leaders are usually elected directly by ordinary party members or delegates. Datuk Seri Najib Razak became UMNO President because his challenger Tengku Razaleigh could not muster enough votes to be nominated as a candidate. There is a tried and tested system put in place for climbing up the ladders of the party into positions of power.

There appears to be no such system in the PAP. In the 1980s, a group of PAP stalwarts were dropped rather unceremoniously from the party lineup by then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. Potential MP-candidates are not chosen from within the party ranks, but from the now famous "tea-parties" organized by the PAP to recruit promising candidates (usually successful professionals, technocrats and civil servants)

Party loyalty, service and seniority counts for little in the PAP. One can be a party veteran for thirty years, but will never rise up the ranks unless one is deemed capable and trustworthy enough by those in power. A newcomer with no prior connection with the party can be easily "parachuted" into positions of leadership over others with far more impressive party pedigree. Even those already ensconced in positions of power are not safe either. They can always be asked to "make way" for the sake of "party renewal" as had happened to the PAP Old Guards only that the party is not renewing according to the party's Constitution, but at the whims and fancies of one person or a group of persons.

While the "mandarinate" system will help to keep the PAP highly uniform, stable and monolithic, literally bereft of party politics, factionalism and in-fighting which plagues most political parties, it resulted in a disjointed system where the party and grassroots support base are largely disconnected from the ruling elite where most, if not all the major decisions are made.

Ordinary cadres are excluded from the strategic planning and decision-making processes. All they need to do is simply to follow orders from the top and implement the party's plans on the ground. Hence, though the PAP has a powerful grassroots machinery, it is one which lacks initiative, motivation and dynamicism resulting in another potental fatal weakness in its organizational structure which I shall elucidate more in the second part of this series: - A disconnected, disjointed and unmotivated party and grassroots support base.

Article source: http://temasekreview.com/?p=12659

Monday, September 7, 2009

BEFORE AND AFTER 200 YEARS - Neighbourliness Asunder?

Sinchew 2009-09-07 11:57

People could build different religious places along a street 200 years ago. But today, people cannot accept the existence of other religious temples within the distance of 300 meter.

What happen to Malaysia? Why do we regress to such a point?

In Penang, we can see the famous Masjid Kapitan Keling, Guan Yin Temple and St George's Church at Masjid Kapitan Keling Road and a Hindu temple is located not far from them.

The solemn voice of prayer from Masjid Kapitan Keling and the bells from St George's Church form a harmonic rhythm when the incense from Guan Yin temple is rising. And we can smell the delicate fragrance of flowers from the Hindu temple when a gust of wind blows over.

Other than respected their own religion, residents here could accept, or even appreciate other religions 200 years ago.

When they were carrying out their religious rituals, they never complaint about interference from others. And they never protested that the purity and sanctity of their religion was affected.

Whenever there was a religious festival, the mosque, church and temples along the street would mutually accommodate to ensure the events were smoothly carried out.

Perhaps, with their praying efforts, their souls were improved and they became more tolerant, which has brought peace to the land for 200 years, or even longer.

No wonder when all the surrounding places were devastated by the fierce bombing in George Down launched by the Japanese during the World War II, only that street alone was able to survive as it was blessed by their respective Gods.

The mosques, church and temples are not merely the country's most precious cultural heritage, they also tell the people of all races that: this is the spirit that must be embraced by all the generations.

Today, the relocation of a Hindu temple in Shah Alam, Selangor has led to an unrest caused by some residents, as well as some political speculators.

From the "cow head" protest to the dialogue with the residents, some people unscrupulously showed their ego and refused to listen to others. They exaggerated the religious and racial differences by abandoning mutual respect and tolerance which the Malaysian society has been insisting for a long time.

The incident takes place in Shah Alam today but such narrow mentality and attitude may be extended to other areas tomorrow.

The 200-year-old civilisation asset is gradually collapsing and sinking just like that. (By TAY TIAN YAN/ Translated by SOONG PHUI JEE/ Sin Chew Daily)

Article source: http://mediarakyat.net/?p=1811


Our children deserve a better nation that what is happening to it right now. We have evolved too much materialistically and have let politicians be consumed and intoxicated by money in the process of maintaining power. Politics has lost its noble value.

Azly Rahman


This merdeka, are we celebrating a hidden catastrophe -- a malapetaka?

Youth of Malaysia, you are a beacon of hope. Reflect, reanalyse and revolt. Reclaim your righteous minds, as the African-American actor Denzel Washington said to his students in the movie The Great Debaters. Transform the world inside and outside." You are the force of change in any society at any time. You must help the country find the final solution to the mess she is now in.

The hope for change lies in the middle class and in public education, and in you, youth leaders of social change. How do we teach ourselves to analyse propaganda, bias, half-truths, and recognise progressive forces, institutions and organisations of change and subsequently align with these forces? How do you use your music, arts, creativity, and technological prowess to affect changes and to help us craft a sincere merdeka; a merdeka not for the few to freely plunder the nation and rob the poor but a merdeka for the many to exercise their fundamental rights as citizens and their entitlement to basic human needs.

Youth of Malaysia: reflect, reanalyze, reconstruct, and finally, revolt!


How do we retreat inside of ourselves first, just like what Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did in preparation to go out into society and deconstruct it, with the help of fate conspiring to change the scheme of things entire? The Prophets of the Judeo-Christian tradition – the messengers of Allah – such as Abraham, David, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them), and the transcultural philosopher of all ages such as Socrates, Siddhartha Gautama, Kabir, Guru Nanak, KungFu Tze, Lao Tze, Mencius and many others send to all nations since the beginning of humanity – all of them have gone through moments of reflection and engineer revolutions of the mind, body, soul, and even social relations of production. We need to read what the philosopher Karl Jaspers and later historian of religion Karen Armstrong said in her book A History of God about the Axial Age wherein there is a flowering of religious ideas in the East and the West particularly with the emergence of great minds such Socrates in Greece, Siddhartha Gautama in India and KungFu Tze in China.

We are in a postmodern age of creativity, chaos, cynicism, chasm, complexity and change – brought about by the advancement of technology, the permeation of relativity on thinking, and the globalisation of ideas. We need deep moments of reflection in order to survive in this chaotic world. We need to philosophise religion and to ask deep questions on what we believe in. Universities need to train students to engage in these activities in order to achieve a balance between the developments of the rational-scientific- instrumental-reasoning mind with the intuitive-creative-spiritual-contemplating-soul-searching mind. Guided by the Inner Self the individual that has evolved to the highest stage of moral and spiritual reasoning will be able to revolt against the corrupt system and help others do the same.


How do we do this in the Malaysian context?

I see great potential in our students in public universities they need to equip themselves with the skills to affect changes. It is their rights - the right to think and act and to organise for intelligent actions that will be of benefit to Malaysians of all races.

At the brink of the 2008 Malaysian general election, we were in a mess, are we not?! What was Jakarta like after the fall of Suharto? What was Mecca/Makkah like before the emergence of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him)? Today, on August 31st. 2009, we are in deeper mess.

Crime rate, mass dissatisfaction, oil prices, religious intolerance, levels of state-sponsored indoctrination in our educational institutions, number of those involved in substance abuse, dispossessed and marginalised youth, crackdown on dissenting and progressive voices of change, national concern for a fair election, the rot in the judiciary, arrogant public servants, cases of corruption in high and highest places, - all these are rising and collectively has become an issue of National Security. 

Let me give you one illustration:

Growing up in Johor Bahru as a teenager who thought that I have been groomed "street smart", I don't think the streets of Johor Bahru are now safe enough to give our present youth that kind of urban education of mastering the urban environment. In the mid 1970s, sometimes I used to walk home alone those many miles whistling and singing, from Jalan Ah Fook to Majidee when I was 11 or 12. Now I'd be dead halfway, my backpack snatched by the dare-devil Johor highwaymen.

There is also the loss of respect in the youth of today - respect for themselves, the elders, the teachers, the family, and essentially law and order. The Confucian ethics of creation the "jen" or the gentleman is not there in our youth. The medium is the message though - if youth groups such as the Mat Rempits are supposedly being used to create disrespect for others and to have disregard for law and order, and at the same time law enforcement agencies themselves are losing control over their environment, we have got a problem such as what we are reading in the news.

Johor Bahru, again, is a good example. What has it become? Harlem and the Bronx in New York is now safer than Johor Bahru or even Alor Setar or KL. Why?- Maybe the cops in New York are still taking bribes but the public is more vigilant and powerful in playing their role in the check and balance system. Mayor Giuliani started cleaning up New York City in mid-1990s and New York City is now safer. Local government is strong here in America. Of course, as I have written many times, democracy is evolving in America, but because citizens demand their rights to be well-represented and protected, the evolution of democracy progresses well.

But if we have politicians who think that politics is a process of enriching oneself, family, and friends, and not about public service we will continue to elect people who do not want to step down after 8, 16, 22, 24 or whatever years. Look at states that have Chief Ministers that refuse to step down after 10, 15 years. What is the consequence of being in power for too long? Look at what happened to Indonesia during the time of Suharto? The image of Yudhistira – the "Just One" --,propped up for many decades in the psyche of the Indonesians is now the image of a mentally and physically destroyed ogre or Rakshasha. Crimes against Humanity were committed a million times over. One needs to read the work of the great Indonesian poet W.S. Rendra to get a feel of what ailed the great nation of Indonesia.

Power tend to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, as Lord Acton once said to Bishop Creighton, in the 19th. century

In Malaysia, our political system is so messed up now that even the universities don't know what their role is any longer -- is the role to use the system to create good, questioning, thinking, problem-solving, brave, transformative, life-long learning, citizens or to create fear in students so that they cannot make good political decisions that will help them rejuvenate society. The 'respect' for students is not there, unlike in campuses in many advanced nations. The university has become a "particularity" that promotes parochial thinking. Communitarian thinking has taken over cosmopolitan thinking.


We need to move forward recreate society by demanding that we make radical changes to all levels of leadership; a leadership that is no longer making our nation safe and happy. Change must come from the grassroots, middle class, intelligentsia, and the policy/lawmakers. It must come from you students – beacons of hope.

We cannot even allow a new breed of racist young leaders to take foot. We must look for those who will abandon race-based politics and fight for the rights, respect, dignity, and economic well-being of the children of all races - because this country called Malaysia is founded upon the principles of Multiculturalism that should have evolved as how is should be. Race-based politics is a threat to national security. We will not survive another 50 years if we continue to allow those in power to play up those the masses that will easily translate economic frustration into anger.

Our children deserve a better nation that what is happening to it right now. We have evolved too much materialistically and have let politicians be consumed and intoxicated by money in the process of maintaining power. Politics has lost its noble value.

How do we improve thinking skills in our schools and in our universities then if we discourage even university students to ask radical questions and to think 'outside of the box'? Who benefits from all these? Is the level of thinking deteriorating? Who's at fault if this is so?

Is there a difference between the public and private schools/higher education institution in terms of how teaching is approached? How much of what is happening in our classrooms help promote radical questioning? How do we reflect upon the "culture of learning" in our classrooms and how teachers/lecturers/professors encourage questions that improve cognition/thinking skills?

Would allowing radical speakers (from politics, arts, humanities, etc.) into our campuses help students develop alternative points of view? 

Can we do this in Malaysian campuses? I think we should. I think we ought to. We will have nothing to lose except our mental chains. We should campaign for this idea of "democratising thinking on all campuses". Let freedom reign in our universities. Insist that we become more informed, more critical, and more intelligent beings that will change society for the better.

Vice Chancellors must allow students bodies to invite radical speakers during the campaign season in order to enrich our students with alternative viewpoints. This will help them decide their future of even make much needed changes. I think the Vice Chancellors will be more respected too for promoting such freedom -- true to their commitment to "World Class" thinking. It'll be the beginning of a good way to develop a culture of intellectual/academic freedom. It is time we mature politically.


We now come to our last few concluding statements.

Respectable youth leaders of the new age of Malaysian politics,

You are answerable to the Creator, not to creations. Reclaim your righteous mind. Reflect, reanalyze, reorganize, and revolt against the injustices that afflict fellow human beings. Destroy racism and race-based policies, so that you may be help society be at peace with itself. But you must first find peace within yourself, so that you may then govern yourself peacefully. Be guided not only by the scriptures close to your heart but also by the philosophies of other cultures you are yet to learn from.

Destroy all form of artificial constructs that are helpful only to a certain extent; constructs such as race, creed, color, and national origin. We are essentially made of the very basic unit if life: the DNA. We are created from a clot of blood so that we may learn to evolve, to know, to transform, and to help others enjoy the Blessings the Creator has bestowed upon us. In Islam, is not Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) sent to Humanity as a Gift and a Blessing and a Mercy to Humankind?

I leave you with this quote/Quranic verse on universality and multiculturalism you are all familiar with:

"O Humankind! We have created you from a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you in the sight of Allah is he who has most taqwa among you. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware." (Al-Hujurat/The Dwellings, verse 13) 

Journey into yourself in Peace. Journey into society in Peace. Hold on fast to your dreams. Defend your ideals. Never sell your soul to the devil. You have a world to clean up, to reconstruct, and to transform.

Have a safe and sincere merdeka, not a silent malapetaka.

Article source: http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/26297/84/

Islam & Malay, The Main Victims of the Sri Mahamariamman Hindu temple Fiasco

There two important lessons we must learn from the Sri Mahamariamman Hindu temple fiasco. The 21st century Malaysia is still a mirror image of its post-colonial self. It is crucial for all Malaysians to study the impact of the temple relocation issue to be fully aware of its cost and tribulation for the country.

First, the level of religious and racial tolerance in Malaysia is at its lowest ebb. It was made worse by racist and extremist politicians who want to continue feeding their supporters with sensitive and senseless race and religious issues to keep them fired up.

As a result, not only the issue was blown out of proportion but it was put on a global microscope for the world to see how senseless, intolerant and uncivilised Malaysians are. These zealots may continue to argue that what happened in Malaysia is not the concern of other outsiders.

They must be reminded that this world is interconnected. If we can criticize the Israel atrocities against the residents of Gaza, we should be able to do the same to protect our own minorities.

We should be able to deplore violence and threats and accept that a proper civilised discourse is a better option to help solve issues which involved different beliefs and races.

This was precisely the option taken by the Selangor state government headed by PKR's Khalid Ibrahim. Khalid's goodwill was instead reciprocated by insults and jeers. These protesters should feel ashamed of themselves for not being able to act reasonably and sensibly to help build a bridge of understanding and mutual respect with the minority Hindus in their area.

Both Khalid Ibrahim and Khalid Samad should be commended for showing a good leadership in managing the issue. The reaction and compassion of both Khalids should be able to help the other non-Malay Muslim Malaysians to understand that the rude behaviour and uncivilised mannerism of a small bunch of protesters do not represent the general attitude and behaviour of all Malay-Muslims.

There is now a real solid reason for many of us to believe that those involved in the 'cow head' demonstration were UMNO members or supporters. They were quick to get a personal attention from the Minister of Home Affairs Hishammuddin Hussien and other UMNO big guns such as Khir Toyo.

It is so unfortunate that these leaders had consistently defended all wrongdoings committed by various public agencies in the country e.g. the police, the Election Commission, the MACC, the judiciary and others.

Secondly, it is becoming evidently clear that the actions and deeds of these unscrupulous protesters and those politicians who had helped to defend and protect them are doing a great injustice to the good image of the Malays and Islam.

I can only urge all Malaysians to practice restrain in our responses and words and not to be provoked into making unfair and insensitive criticism against the other Malay Muslims.

In the holy month of Ramadhan, I am sure many of our Muslim brothers were equally upset and hurt by the action of these protesters who were too cowardice to step forward and accept responsibility for their senseless action.

Let the Bagan Pinang by-election become a valuable lesson to UMNO. They must lose the by-election to understand that this country wants to move away from the old ethno-religious politics which is senseless, irresponsible, shameless and violent.

Article source: http://khookaypeng.blogspot.com/2009/09/islam-malay-main-victims-of-sri.html

Press release of ISA detainee Dr Lim Hock Siew in 1972

Extracted from the Singapore Rebel by Martyn See

Dr Lim Hock Siew Speaks from Singapore Prison (Date - 18.3.1972)
(through his legal adviser)

(Released by Dr Beatrice Chia, wife of Dr Lim Hock Siew)

I and hundreds of others were arbitrarily arrested on the 2nd of February, 1963. Many are still in prison. Ever since that day, we were, and are, unjustly and arbitrarily detained in prison without any kind of trial whatsoever for over 9 years. We have gone through various kinds of persecution, struggles, hardships and difficulties during this very long period of over nine years of detention in prison. Recently an unusual development took place. On the 13th of January, 1972, I was taken to the Headquarters of the Special Branch at Robinson Road where I was detained for 40 days together with my brother, Lim Hock Koon.

Two high-ranking special branch agents of the P.A.P. regime indicated to me that if I were to issue a public statement of repentance, I would be released. They told me that 9 years had passed since the date of my arrest and that it was time that my case be settled. They admitted that 9 years was a long time. I told them that it was pointless to remind me of this long period.

A week after my transfer to the Special Branch Headquarters, the same two high-ranking employees spelt out the conditions of my release. They demanded from me two things. They are as follows: -

(1) That I make an oral statement of my past political activities, that is to say, "A security statement." This was meant for the Special Branch records only, and not meant for publication.

(2) That I must issue a public statement consisting of two points : -
(a) That I am prepared to give up politics and devote to medical practice thereafter.
(b) That I must express support for the Parliamentary democratic system.

I shall now recall and recapitulate the conversation that took place between me and the same two high-ranking Special Branch agents during my detention at the Special Branch Headquarters.

Special Branch - You need not have to condemn the Barisan Sosialis or any person. We admit that it is unjust to detain you so long. 9 years is a long time in a person's life; we are anxious to settle your case.

Dr Lim Hock Siew - My case will be settled immediately if I am released unconditionally. I was not asked at the time of my arrest whether I ought to be arrested. Release me unconditionally and my case is settled.

Special Branch - The key is in your hands. It is for you to open the door.

Dr Lim Hock Siew - To say that the key is in my hands is the inverted logic of gangsters in which white is black and black is white. The victim is painted as the culprit and the culprit is made to look innocent. Four Gurkha soldiers were brought to my house to arrest me. I did not ask or seek arrest or the prolonged detention for over 9 years in prison without trial.

Special Branch - You must concede something so that Lee Kuan Yew would be in a position to explain to the public why you had been detained so long. Mr Lee Kuan Yew must also preserve his face. If you were to be released unconditionally, he will lose face.

Dr Lim Hock Siew - I am not interested in saving Lee Kuan Yew's face. This is not a question of pride but one of principle. My detention is completely unjustifiable and I will not lift a single finger to help Lee Kuan Yew to justify the unjustifiable. In the light of what you say, is it not very clear that I have lost my freedom all these long and bitter years just to save Lee Kuan Yew's face? Therefore the P.A.P. regime's allegation that I am a security risk is a sham cover and a facade to detain me unjustifiably for over 9 years.

My stand on the Making of a Secret Oral Security Statement for the records of the Special Branch

I cannot and will not make any statement to condemn my past political activities. My past political activities were absolutely legitimate and proper. Whatever I had done or said was in the interest of and in the service of the masses of our people and of our country. Even an accused person need not say anything to incriminate or to condemn himself. Why should I who am arbitrarily detained without any kind of trial for over 9 years be coerced to act as an agent to the Special Branch by making a secret deal behind the backs of the masses? I resolutely reject this demand. Furthermore, I have not the slightest obligation to account my past political activities to Lee Kuan Yew.

A. My Stand on the Demand of Making a Public Statement

I completely reject in principle the issuing of any public statement as a condition of my release. This is a form of public repentance. History has completely vindicated my position. I was arrested for opposing merger with "Malaysia" because I held the view that "Malaysia" was a British sponsored neo-colonialist product and the creation of "Malaysia", far from uniting our people and our country, would cause greater dis-unity and dissension among our people. I believe that the formation of Malaysia would be a step backward and not forward in our struggle for national unity.

I have nothing to repent, to recant or to reform. If anything I have become more reinforced in my convictions, more reaffirmed in my views and more resolute to serve the people of Malaya fully and whole-heartedly. I have nothing to concede to Lee Kuan Yew. By right, he should make a public repentance to me and not I to him.

B. My Stand on the Demand that I must give up Politics in Exchange for my Release

I hold the view that these two demands are self-contradictory, because if there is democracy, I need not give up politics. The fact that I had been detained for over 9 years in order to coerce me to give up politics is proof enough that there is no parliamentary democracy. The question of taking part on politics is a fundamental right of the people.

An indirect offer was made to me to leave Singapore for further studies. I have replied to the P.A.P. regime that if I had to leave the country at any time, it must be on my own free volition and not under coercion by the P.A.P regime.

C. My Stand on the Demand for support for Parliamentary System

I hold the view that to support the P.A.P. regime's so-called parliamentary system would mean giving the public and the masses a false impression that there exist today a genuine parliamentary democratic system in Singapore Island. It is an undeniable and unforgettable fact that comrade LEE TSE TONG who was elected by the people of Singapore in the 1963 General Elections, was arbitrarily arrested and detained without trial soon after he was elected. Subsequently, he was deprived of his citizenship and he is still under detention as a so-called "banishee" in prisoner's clothes in Queenstown prison. The arbitrary arrest and prolonged detention of Comrade Lee Tse Tong affords concrete proof that the so-called parliamentary democracy is a cruel mockery. It does not exist in Singapore Island. Giving support to such a sham parliamentary system means complete betrayal of the people. I will never betray the people of my country under any circumstance. Bitter sacrifice strengthens bold resolve.

Parliamentary democracy does not mean merely casting of votes once in 5 years during election time. Far more important than this is the freedom of thought, the freedom of expression, the freedom of association, the freedom of organisation everyday during the 5 years period and continuously thereafter. I was arrested when the Barisan Sosialis was actively participating in the parliamentary system. For such participation, the colonial government, the Lee Kuan Yew and Rahman regimes had rewarded me with over 9 years of imprisonment. This again amply indicates the utter shamness of the so-called parliamentary democratic system. After over 9 years of detention, I am now asked to give support to their so-called parliamentary system in order to secure my release. I firmly refuse to give my support for the sham and illusory democracy in Singapore Island.

My Stand on the Request by the Agents of the P.A.P. Regime to Concede something to save Lee Kuan Yew's Face

Since history has fully vindicated my stand and my position, Lee Kuan Yew should openly and publicly repent to me and to all other political detainees, now unjustifiably detained in prison. By right a just and proper base for my release from my prolonged and unjustifiable detention (and this equally applies to all political detainees now under unjustifiable detention) should be : -

(a) Our unconditional and immediate release from detention and the complete restoration of all our democratic and human rights.

(b) Payment of adequate compensation to me and to all other political detainees for the prolonged and unjustifiable detention in prison.

(c) The issuance of public apology by Lee Kuan Yew to me.

We are willing and prepared to concede the last two conditions as listed above. We do not believe that an arrogant man like Lee Kuan Yew will apologise or to compensate us.

On the first condition that is to say, our demand for unconditional and immediate release from detention, and for the complete restoration of all our democratic and human rights - we must resolutely say : WE WILL NEVER CONCEDE, BITTER SACRIFICE STRENGTHENS BOLD RESOLVE.

Source: http://temasekreview.com/?p=13104